Sonia's four-point plan against corruption
New Delhi: Congress chief Sonia Gandhi on Sunday underlined a four-point programme to fight corruption in the country, including fast tracking all cases involving politicians and 'that means all of us'.
Addressing the party's 83rd plenary at Burari, the party chief stressed heavily on probity and accountability in public life in the following manner:
1. To fast-track all cases concerning corruption, including politicians that means all of us.
Such cases drag on interminably. to bring all corruption cases to closure in a defined time frame, to bring the guilty to book and clear those unfairly charged, Gandhi said.
2. There should be clear and full transparency in all procurement cases and contracts.
3. There is ample evidence that all discretionary powers in land allocation breed corruption. Congress chief ministers and leaders should set an example by reviewing and relinquishing such powers.
4. Bring about a more competitive system of exploiting natural resources.
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