A transgender named Shobha Bua will be rubbing shoulders with the likes of Ms Mayawati and Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav for the chief minister’s post in the coming Assembly elections.
“Shobha Bua will contest the Assembly polls from the Dhaulana Assembly seat in Ghaziabad and will be the chief ministerial candidate for the Rashtriya Viklang Party (RVP) that is making its debut in these elections,” said Mr Virendra Kumar, the party’s national general secretary, on Monday.
Shabnam Mausi, who won the election from Suhagpur seat in Madhya Pradesh in 2000, will be the party candidate from Kanpur Cantt seat.
“The Rashtriya Viklang Party plans to contest more than 50 seats in the coming elections and majority of our candidates will be eunuchs who now need proper representation in state politics,” said Mr Virendra Kumar.
He further added that people had lost faith in the political parties and were looking for good candidates. “Though eunuchs are a marginalised section of the society, but their honesty and ability cannot be ignored and the party will move with such issues,” he said.
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