Delhi V-Day red carpet for Valérie
The Elysee Palace’s femme formidable, French Presi-dent Francois Hollande’s partner Valérie Trierweil-er, is all set to accompany him on a day’s visit to New Delhi on February 14.
Never mind that her status, officially, is of companion. Without batting an eyelid, her protocol-conscious hosts are ready to give Ms Trierweiler a welcome befitting any first lady on Valentine’s Day.
In keeping with changing times, traditional mores will not influence Indian government hospitality: it plans to extend Ms Trierweiler all courtesies and honours despite the fact that she is not legally wedded to the French President. Like with other first ladies, a separate programme will be worked out for Ms Trierweiler, who is a former political journalist.
It will be the first time New Delhi will host such a visit. Recently there was the likelihood of Austra-lian PM Julia Gillard’s companion Tim Mathies-on joining her on a visit to India last October, but he finally didn’t come.
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