Cops: Namdhari had more men than Chadhas
Investigations into the Nov-ember 17 killing of liquor baron Ponty Chadha and his brother Hardeep are increasingly pointing towa-rds a pre-planned shootout.
Although the police is still ascertaining the exact number of people at the shootout, sources say Mr Sukhdev Singh Namdhari was accompanied by far more men than the Chadha brothers. “The brothers were actually defenceless, having walked into the trap laid by Namdhari,” alleged Delhi police sources. Till now the police has been saying that Ponty Chadha was accompanied by his security manager, Naren-der, who was also injured, but the police is yet to clear up how many people Mr Namdhari had brought along with him to the farmhouse.
Mr Namdhari went to the farmhouse with Ponty Chadha in a Land Cruiser, and the others, who were associates of Mr Namdhari, including his maternal un-cle Hardayal Singh, went in another vehicle. The Delhi police source said, “None of the security guards of Ponty were with Ponty.”
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