Cashless facility in 7 days?
Cashless health insurance facility may be restored in big hospitals in the next seven days. However, the subscribers may have to pay a higher premium for the treatment in super-speciality medical centres.
The corporate hospitals and Raksha TPA (which represents the four PSU health insurance companies) met in Delhi on Thursday to establish a clarity and methodology of understanding on packages for a select number of procedures for cashless hospitalisation. The hospitals offered to submit their packaged and non-packaged rates for 42 procedures to Raksha TPA. Raksha TPA agreed to review these packages by corporate hospitals in order to include them into Preferred Providers Network (PPN) of PSU insurance companies.
Each hospital would work out a package rate with the TPAs within seven days.
“This was a constructive meeting, where within the next seven days, all the corporate hospitals will be part of PPN. Thereby resuming the cashless services which was not available to many of the patients for the past month-and-half,” said Pervez Ahmed, member, CII Healthcare Committee and CEO and MD, Max Healthcare. From July 1, PSU health insurance companies had stopped cashless facility at big hospitals blaming them of misusing this facility and overcharging their customers.
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