It's Anti-Tobacco Day, call it quits
It’s World Anti-Tobacco Day. The perfect day to quit smoking, if you are so inclined. Tobacco addiction has already topped as the primary cause in India for cardiovascular diseases.
Dr Vijai Kumar Ratnavelu, consultant pulmonologist at Yashoda Hospital, said that research showed it took up to 12 weeks for the nicotine receptors in your brain to switch off when you quit.
“You should therefore plan to be free of the craving after three months, since that is the time it will take for your body to completely stop craving nicotine and function normally”, he said. He also gave some tips to help one to quit smoking and safeguard one’s health.
They are:
Consult a doctor, discuss your habit with him and listen to the advice given.
Since it’s the nicotine in the tobacco that is highly addictive and many can’t stop taking it altogether, opt for nicotine replacement therapy. Chewing gums having very little nicotine are a safer option than smoking. Gradually give up even the chewing gum.
Since coffee and alcohol stimulate the urge to smoke, avoid these to cut down on smoking.
Engage in physical exercises including aerobics and de-stressing activities such as yoga, pranayam etc.
Friends, family and peer groups should provide whole-hearted support. Stay away from companions who encourage or pressurise you to smoke.
Make a resolution to yourself to quit smoking within a definite time period.
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