Girls outperform boys in Inter I year exams
Girls have outperformed boys yet again in the Inter first year exam results announced on Friday. While the girl's pass percentage is 58.32, the boys have scored just 49.73 per cent.
The overall pass percentage in the state is 53.75, an improvement of 1.54 per cent over last year.
The advanced supplementary exams for failed students and for those who want to improve their marks will be held from May 23 to May 31. The due date for the payment of exam fee is May 2.
A total of 8,50,433 students have appeared for general course exams. Of them, 4,57,146 have passed. Out of a total of 3,98,697 girls who appeared, 2,32,510 cleared the exams, while 2,24,636 boys out of of 4,51,736 passed.
For vocational courses, a total of 82,310 students took the exams. Of them, 27,330, totalling 33.20 per cent, have passed.
Mr K. Parthasarathi, minister for secondary education, has said that the marksheets will be dispatched to colleges within two days. If there are discrepancies, it should be referred to Inter Board through the college principals by May 21.
Students, who cleared all the papers, have to pay a fee of `100 per paper in addition to the exam fee to appear for the improvement exam.
Failed candidates can simultaneously appear for passed papers, too, in order to improve their percentage, however, there is a condition that they shall forego previous performance of passed papers.
For recounting, students have to pay Rs 100 online per paper and Rs 600 per paper for photo copy cum-re - verification of answer sheets through the e - Seva or AP Online centers. The due date to avail this facilities is May 3.
Out of a total of 3,98,697 girls who appeared, 2,32,510 cleared the exams, while 2,24,636 boys out of 4,51,736 passed.
Out of 37,685 girls who appeared, 14,718 cleared the exams, while out of 44,625 boys who took the exams 12,612 have passed.
The better of old or new performance will be taken into account only for students who cleared all the papers.
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