Errors in Inter physics paper
Complaints have been pouring in about the Intermediate second year physics question paper for the exam held on Wednesday. Students complained that some questions were out of the syllabus and others had printing errors. The blueprint followed by the Board of Intermediate Education has three types of questions, answers to which must be very short, short, and long. The Board also follows certain subject topics that fall in these categories only.
“This time, they have deviated from this. Topics pertaining to very short questions have figured in long-answer questions. While short questions carry two marks, it is eight marks each for long- answer questions. In this paper, we could not elaborate short answers to suit long answers. We fear we may lose around 20 marks on account of this deviation,” complained a student, M. Rahul Kumar.
There was also a printing error in Question No.15, which carried four marks. While the unit should be ‘per metre cube’, it was printed as ‘metre cube’, due to which the answer will change. Some students pointed out that while the topic ‘Optics’ was specified for questions carrying four marks, it was given for a question of eight marks. Similarly, six marks should be given for modern physics, while it should be 10 marks as per the blueprint.
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