Doctors treat by light of mobile phones
Power cuts, especially the unscheduled outages, have badly affected government as well as private hospitals. While smaller nursing homes and hospitals are rescheduling surgeries, even major state-run hospitals are finding the going tough.
At Gandhi Hospital on Monday, only three angiograms could be performed instead of the usual eight to 10. At Osmania General Hospital doctors had to use torches or their mobile phones while treating patients as power from generators was only available in emergency wards and operation theatres.
Medicos point out that due to the unscheduled power cuts, sometimes they have to examine patients or even do small procedures using torchlights or in the light of mobile phones. The generator can’t be fully relied upon as sometimes it runs out of diesel or the person operating it is missing and so on. “We are apprehensive that if any untoward incident happens due to power cuts, we will be pulled up,” said Dr G. Aditya, a PG doctor. “Despite requesting the government for the last several months to improve the emergency facilities, no progress has been made,” said Dr Aditya, a PG doctor, who works in the surgery section and is member of the advisory committee, JUDA.
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