Docs on medical bandh today
Around 7,000 doctors from all over the state, including 1,500 from Hyderabad, will boycott all medical services except emergencies at all hospitals as part of the All India Medical Bandh on Monday.
The Indian Medical Association is going for a nationwide bandh on Monday to protest against the Central government’s National Commission for Human Resource for Health Bill, Bachelor of Rural Health Care course, and the Clinical Establishments Act. President of IMA in the state, Dr V.S. Prasad, said, “The Centre intends to usurp the powers of the states and infringe on the rights of the medical profession by introducing major changes. As far as the MCI is concerned, the government has dissolved the autonomous body and nominated a board of governors which is just a puppet. We demand restoration of the democratic MCI. Even in the NCHRH Bill, autonomy is lost. The BRHC course will produce half-baked practitioners and result in sub-standard treatment to the poor rural masses.”
Dr Rajendra Singh Saluja, president of AP Nursing Homes Association, said, “As per the new rules, doctors can’t go abroad or change their profession midway. The MCI is also being represented by non-medical people. In protest, we are taking out a rally from the IMA building to Osmania Medical College and will refrain from all medical services except emergencies.”
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