550 BE colleges fuel fee row
About 550 private engineering colleges have raised a new demand over the fees of merit students that could derail the attempts of the state government to evolve a consensus on the issue. These college managements want the government to fix a common fee for category A convenor quota seats for all the 700-plus colleges.
The colleges have no objection to the government fixing college-wise variable fee for management quota seats. This runs counter to the demand of 135 colleges, which submitted their accounts to the Supreme Court and the AFRC. These colleges are demanding a college-wise fee structures for both convenor and management quota seats based on income and expenditure. “We have passed a unanimous resolution demanding that the government fix a uniform fee for Category-A seats in all the colleges irrespective of whether they submitted audited financial statements or not to the Supreme Court or the AFRC,” said K.V.K. Rao, general secretary, Consortium of Private Engineering and Profess-ional College Manage-ments' Association. Deputy chief minister Damodar Raja Narasimha will hold discussions with the college managements on Monday in an effort to break the deadlock on the issue of fee structure.
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