Strokes for a perfect nose
Sometimes, when you look at photographs one does wish their nose were a little bigger, smaller, towards the left, sharper... and so on. Not everyone can afford to have a nose job done and if you are one of those looking to have a perfect nose in pictures and real life alike, look no further than some foundation, powder and clever strokes of the brush:
n Those who have a long nose, need to work on the length. Apply foundation or powder in a shade that’s two shades darker than your skin tone. Apply a few strokes at the tip of your nose.
n For a short nose, do the exact opposite of the above — apply a lighter shade on the top of your nose and blend it in.
n For narrow and broad noses respectively — apply dark and light shades of foundation on the sides of your nose. This creates an illusion of a perfect nose.
n If you are one of those who has a crooked nose or some imperfection on it, apply foundation to even the skin tone. Next, apply a lighter shade of the foundation on either side to create a perfectly chiselled nose.
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