Improve your blood circulation with the right asanas
Crescent moon pose –— As you inhale, begin to step your right foot back and raise your arms overhead and look at the palms meeting each other. Keep your right knee down touching the floor. Make sure your hips are down and open your chest and armpits. Do not arch back if you have and back pain.
Benefits: This pose is great for your hips. Aligns the hip bone and stretches the quadriceps. It helps tone the buttocks and open your hip.
Downward dog pose — As you exhale, place both your hands down and step your left leg back joining the right leg and come into downward facing dog pose. Press your palms down, push your chest towards your thighs and press your heels down.
Benefits: This pose is an excellent pose to relieve hunch back, round shoulders and stiffness in the back. This is also very good for your heart and corrects high and low blood pressure.
Upward facing dog — From downward facing dog, slowly raise your heels off the floor and slide down inhaling, bring your chest inline with your hands and as you exhale slowly lift your chin up coming to upward facing down. You need arm strength to bring your chest down and up. If you find it difficult, take the easy option by resting your knees down to the floor and then come to upward facing down. When you are in upward facing dog, rest your toes and knees and lift yourself up with your arms straight and elbows locked. Keep your shoulders down and slightly away from your ears. Make sure you keep your hips in line with your palms.
Benefits: Upward facing dog helps elongate the spine. It makes your arms and shoulders strong. It helps relieve stiffness in your shoulders, neck and hips. Downward dog pose — As you inhale, tuck your toes in and come to downward facing dog pose. Press your palms down, push your chest towards your thighs and press your heels down. Hold your breath for just two to four seconds observing base lock.
Benefits: This pose is an excellent pose to relieve a hunchback back, round shoulders and stiffness in the back. This is also very good for your heart and corrects high and low blood pressure.
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