Factfile about Rheumatology
This simple quiz will help you know how well informed you are about rheumatology. Each right answer fetches you 10 points. Excellent, if your score is 80 and above, good if it is between 60 and 80, average if it is 40
and 60, and bad if the points earned are below 40. Get ready to take the test.
1) Rheumatology is a branch of medicine dealing with problems in :
(a) Heart.
(b) Stomach.
(c) Joints and connective tissues (muscles).
(d) Brain.
2) All the statements about arthritis are correct except :
(a) Arthritis is a name for a group of conditions affecting the joints.
(b) Arthritis affects only the elderly.
(c) There are more than 50 different types of arthritis.
(d) Common symptoms include pain and stiffness in the joints.
3) People suffering from arthritis :
(a) Should not exercise regularly.
(b) Should be on complete bed rest.
(c) Can lead a normal life.
(d) Should not eat sour food items.
4) The following statements regarding osteoarthritis are true except :
(a) It happens due to loss of cartilage and structural changes in the bone.
(b) It is more common after the age of 45 years.
(c) Risk factors for osteoarthritis include obesity, previous joint injury etc.
(d) It cannot affect multiple joints.
5) Lupus or SLE is an autoimmune disease. Which of the following statements regarding SLE is true:
(a) It is more common in men than in women.
(b) It cannot affect the brain and kidneys.
(c) Symptoms in patients with lupus include hair loss, oral ulcers, joint pain and rashes among others.
(d) It gets better without treatment.
6) Osteoporosis is a disease characterised by fragile bones and high risk of fractures. All statements below are correct except:
(a) It is a “silent disease” with no symptoms until a fracture happens.
(b) Women above 50 years and men above 60 years are at risk of developing it.
(c) It can be diagnosed by history of the patient, a physical exam and a bone density test.
(d) Calcium and
Vitamin D supplements are not an integral part of the treatment in osteoporosis.
7) All statements regarding Vitamin D are correct except :
(a) Vitamin D can be adequately obtained from our diet.
(b) Vitamin D helps to regulate our immune system.
(c) Deficiency of Vitamin D can make our bones weak and prone to fractures.
(d) Vitamin D can be produced in the body when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight.
8) All statements regarding rheumatoid arthritis are correct except:
(a) It affects women more than men.
(b) It occurs more commonly in smokers.
(c) If diagnosed early, it can be cured (go into remission) by the available drugs.
(d) It is caused by repeated trauma to the joints.
9) Regarding Psoriasis, all statements are true except :
(a) It is a skin disease where there is peeling and scaling of skin.
(b) Patients with Psoriasis can develop joint pains.
(c) It does not affect the nails.
(d) Patients with Psoriasis can develop back pain and red eyes due to inflammation in these areas.
10) All the statements regarding back pain are true except:
(a) Patients should take bed rest.
(b) Back pain getting worse with rest signals inflammation of joints in the spine.
(c) Most patients with back pain will improve with treatment.
(d) Back pain can be caused by a variety of pathologies such as disc damage, infection, injury, fracture, tumour, arthritis and others.
(The writer is a consultant rheumatologist, Apollo Hospitals, Secunderabad)
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