Discover goodness of wheatgrass
Wheat is the oldest food grain known to man. It is as old as the history of agriculture. While whole wheat has its own health benefits, practitioners of traditional systems of medicine generally prefer wheatgrass and wheat germ.
Both wheatgrass and wheat germ provide the much needed nutrients and minerals to the body, besides supplying a good quantity of vitamin E, iron and vitamins of the vitamin B group.
Wheatgrass and wheat germ can be used almost everyday, but one should be extra careful while consuming wheat germ oil. Wheat germ oil contains sufficiently large dosse of vitamin E, and consumption of any nutrient, mineral and vitamins in high doses is dangerous to health.
Wheat germ has been found to be quite effective in treating muscular problems, by giving strength to muscles. It also gives much-needed oxygen to the muscles when one takes up strenuous and laborious tasks. Wheat germ protein is a suitable natural antioxidant rich in nutrition and non-toxic. As we all know antioxidants prevent cancers.
Thanks to the presence of vitamin E, wheat germ is considered good for muscles, blood circulation, eyesight, and breathing.
Regular intake of wheatgrass and wheat germ or their products will keep the skin healthy and glowing. It prevents hair fall and strengthens nails from becoming brittle. While wheatgrass can be consumed in juice form, wheat germ can be used either in oil form or powder form. It can also be used along with salads. While preparing wheatgrass juice, make it a point to use a blender on a slow speed. High speed will damage the natural content in the wheatgrass.
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