Desert tea fights asthma
Ephedra or desert tea is a double-edged sword. It has a number of benefits if it is consumed in minute quantities and for a limited number of days. If it is taken in large quantities and for a longer period, Ephedra may cause severe health complications including cardiac arrest. Those using Ephedra herbal formulations should take extra
caution to derive its health benefits to the fullest. Always use the herb in minute quantities and ensure that the usage does not extend to more than five days.
Ephedra is an ancient herb and has been in use in Chinese medicine for almost 5,000 years. It is also used in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine. The herb has a number of health benefits, but Ephedra is primarily used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Other uses include the treatment of common cold, nasal blockage, low blood pressure, depression, and in the alleviation of fever. It purifies blood. It is often recommended in the treatment of syphilis, rheumatic pains and for the reduction of weight.
Those suffering from heart problems, glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid issues should avoid using Ephedra. Others may use it in minute quantities.
The leaves and stem of Ephedra are used in medical formulations. Caution has to be exercised because Ephedra contains a chemical called ephedrine, which is narcotic in nature and acts on the central nervous system.
Note: Those allergic to certain herbs should avoid them
Disclaimer: Consult a
professional before trying herbal formulations at home
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