Care for your Contacts
While contact lenses are a great way to avoid wearing spectacles, it is important that one is aware of how to wear and maintain the lenses in order to ensure the eyes remain in good health. Contact lenses are prescribed for refractive correction when a person finds spectacles visually undesirable or to improve the visual acuity and performance of the eyes when the person has spectacles of high power. There is no age limit for wearing contact lenses.
In fact, children need to wear lenses, especially when they have higher power in just one eye. Contact lenses provide good visual acuity for certain eye conditions such as keratoconus, myopia, and increase in power of spectacles after surgery.
Some wear for cosmetic reasons, such enhancing or changing the colour of the eyes.
Maintaining good eye health is very important when wearing contact lenses or they may cause discomfort, irritation and infections in the eyes. Contact lens users should follow the prescribed lens care instructions; adhere to the recommended lens replacement schedules and visit their lens specialists regularly. We have listed a few guidelines on how to wear and manage your contact lenses.
Before lens
1) Wash your hands with a mild soap.
2) Avoid applying cream or cosmetics before inserting the lens.
3) If you drop the lens, pick it up gently with a wet finger and then clean it with the solution recommended by your lens specialist.
4) Rub and rinse the lens gently even if the instructions mention “no rub solution.”
5) Remove the lens while swimming.
After lens removal
1) Wash your hands before removing the lens.
2) Rub and rinse the lens with the recommended solution before storing it in the case.
3) Always change the solution of your lens case.
4) Keep your lens case clean.
5) Never use tap water to clean, insert or remove the lens. Use only filtered water. Never lubricate the lens with saliva.
6) Do not wear lenses if your eyes are red, sore, watering or discharging.
7) Do not share your lenses with anyone.
8) Never sleep with the lenses on, unless recommended. Ask your specialist about overnight lenses.
9) Remove (or insert) the right eye lens first and then the left one. Open the lid of the right side of the case first and store the lens so that you don’t interchange the lenses.
10) Avoid rubbing the eyes with or without lenses on.
How to wear make-up and lenses
1) Insert the lens in the eye before you use any cosmetics and remove them before removing the make-up.
2) Use water-based products rather than oil or cream-based ones.
3) Avoid glittery eye shadows.
4) Change mascara and eye liners every three months and other cosmetics every six months.
5) Do not wear lenses if your eyelids are swollen.
6) Do not share your cosmetics with anyone.
7) Do not wear the lenses while using colour dyes or shampoos.
How to use your lens solution
1) Use a solution recommended by your contact lens specialist.
2) Do not change the solution brand.
3) Do not touch the nozzle of the solution bottle as it increases the risk of infection in the eye.
4) Always replace the cap immediately after use.
5) Check the expiry date of the solution. Always discard the solution three months after the bottle has been opened.
6) Change the lens case every three months and wash your lens case at least once a week and air dry it in an inverted fashion.
7) Do not store lenses, lens care products and cases in unhygienic conditions.
Blurred vision, excessive watering or discharge from the eyes, red eyes, severe pain in and around the eyes, sensitivity to daylight and white spots are symptoms of infection or other complications. If you have any of these symptoms, stop using the lens and contact your lens specialist immediately.
contact lens:
These lenses do not require any care at all, unlike conventional contact lenses which require day-to-day care. Disposable lenses eliminate the problem of daily care. They have to be replaced every day. There are other types of lenses too. But they require a little care.
(The writer is the head of Contact Lens Centre, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad)
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