Row over ‘conflicting’ figures
A row has erupted over the “conflicting figures” at the South Delhi Municipal Corporation on the issue of numbers of students availing the midday meal.
Leader of the Opposition in the House Farhad Suri claimed that the SDMC had conflicting figures in different documents concerning various parameters such as the total number of students, number of Urdu teachers, count of desks and classrooms, among others. “Talking of midday meals, on one date the number of students availing it stands at 3,23,000 while on another close date it becomes 3,40,400. So, I would like to ask the House, how does one account the extra 17,000-odd students,” Mr Suri said.
Mr Suri further claimed that while on earlier occasion “Urdu, we were told, was being taught by primary teachers and not by any special teachers but about a month later the number of teachers teaching the language becomes 98 in the documents. Number of vacancies too vary from 726 to 431 on different instances.”
SDMC education committee chairman Satish Upadhyay fended off the Opposition’s claims by saying that the data was not conflicting but merely reflected the scenario.
“Opposition just wants to go and make a speech in the House and throw figures at us but there is no discrepancy as claimed by them. It only means that some students left and some joined over a period, so the figures are bound to be different. I don’t see any reason for uproar,” Mr Upadhayay said.
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