‘Bull’ied IGI operators seek govt help
The authorities at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport are finding it difficult to handle trouble from trespassers who enter the otherwise highly-secure premises from the adjoining isolated jungles, creating a security hazard. The trespassers are not drunken men but blue bulls (a species of antelope, the biggest in Asia) commonly known as nil gai.
The private companies who handle the operations at the international airport are running around to keep these blue bulls from the runways to rule out any mishap. One such company has sought the help of the environment department of Delhi government to tackle the problem.
“The company sought suggestions and help from the department as the blue bulls are in a plenty in the adjacent ridge areas. Because of the huge premises of the airport, these animals somehow gain entry to the outer areas of the premises. These companies have no experience in tackling such a problem so they want help of the forest and environment departments,” said a senior Delhi government official.
Blue bull is a protected animal under the Wild Life Act, so shooting them is prohibited. Earlier, the airport authorities and Delhi government had a meeting on the issue but failed to arrive at a conclusion.
Earlier in July 2011, an Air India flight met an accident on the Chakeri Airport, Kanpur, U.P., when a blue bull came on the runway and collided with the landing aircraft. However, no casualties were reported in the incident.
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