Rejuvenate to survive bump
They say that practice makes a man perfect. However, dancers needn’t take to this adage quite literally. What happens most of the times is that dance enthusiasts believe practising for long hours at a stretch will make them a fine dancer but this is a myth. Dancers need to go beyond rehearsals and practice to be a notch higher than the others as even after sincere and vigorous training, most dancers can hit a plateau, and when this happens, there is little scope for improvisation.
When this happens though, dancers have several options to turn to. Many a times, supplementation from other resources is also necessary. These additional conditioning therapies can help not only with flexibility, strength and performance but also relaxation and concentration among other things. Listed below are the several options dancers can choose from and start improving their performance all over again.
n Hit the gym: Many dancers avoid weight lifting because they fear developing a bulky body. However, this is far from the truth. It not only lends strength to the body and definition to the muscles, but it helps prevent injuries as well. An appropriate weight lifting routine will also increase your stamina for a demanding dance schedule! Choose a gym and a trainer who understands your demands as a dancer and gives you the correct kind of exercise to suite your requirements.
n Practise yoga: An added yoga routine will increase a dancer’s flexibility and strength. Not only does it help with an overall sense of balance, but increases concentration and focus. Yoga works well for breath control as well and it can loosen up a stressed dancer. Enrol at a yoga class for once or twice a week to see the benefits. One can even do yoga after a gym workout.
n Pilates is the key: Pilates was actually developed for the dancers. This exercise system teaches proper body alignment and strengthens the core muscles greatly. It not only strengthens and aligns the body, but is also a great rehabilitation therapy for an injured dancer. It also involves apparatus that is especially designed to strengthen and stretch a dancer’s muscles to increase that elongated look and feel, both of which are essential to a developed dancer.
n A good massage: Most working dancers already swear by the massage therapy to aid their aching muscles. When the muscles build up too much lactic acid, it can cause all kinds of pain and problems. Many dance companies even have a massage therapist on staff for its students and dancers — it is that necessary. Massage therapy is imperative to stretch and most importantly, relax a dancer’s overworked muscles, so they can dance at their optimum level without interruption. All dancers need to add massage to their regime — twice a month at the very least!
n Rest well: Dancing takes away a lot of energy and with long hours of rehearsals, classes or even late night dance parties, it can get very tiresome. Dance, being a very high cardiovascular activity, needs tremendous amount of vigour, hence, once the practice sessions are over, a good rest is extremely important for a dancer to rejuvenate their body.
Every dancer needs to make sure they are in top form to stay passionate about their dancing. Sometimes only a good dancing skill will not give one a “cut above the rest”. It is those who go above and beyond, that really shine in the field of dance. This way, any challenges that come their way will be met with equal ability. Sure, practice makes a dancer perfect, but remember there is more to dance then just practice.
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