Make-up lessons that highlight on-stage presence
Perfect rhythm, supple body and agile limbs surely make for a good dancer, but on-stage, a dancer’s overall makeup and eyes are also appealing. They say that eyes are the windows to one’s soul. Expressive eyes with creative makeup can do wonders to the stage presence, and can help bring out the emotions well. It is a well-established fact that good make-up can create wonders and make anyone look like a million bucks.
As performers, stage makeup becomes an essential part of our onstage image. We can use makeup to accentuate the facial characteristics, or to change a face entirely. Makeup is needed not just to hide facial flaws and to make one look good, but also to highlight expressions and the stage presence due to heavy lights. Here are some basic make up tips for on-stage dancers:
Ladies: Eyes need to be widened and enlarged most of the times. The use of false eyelashes is a good way to accentuate their effect, use on top and below if need be.
A bright lipstick is necessary, one can even use gloss or glitter on your lips and add brightness to the smile of the dancer.
Bright nail polish will show up on stage better than dark ones. Now a days dancers even use transparent polish with glitter for stage shows, this is recommended when one has different colour costumes.
Remember to not have loud lipstick and eye make up, both at the same time; keep one of them loud and the other subtle to add more glamour. You do not want to look like an over done doll or a dressed Christmas tree unless the dance concept demands that.
Do your hair as guided by the choreographer.
If one is wearing costume where your skin remains exposed then remember to even out the skin all over the body, especially underarms, knees and elbow areas.
n Be sure to follow the exact instructions of your choreographer when applying your own makeup. What looks like too much up close, is sometimes just enough for the stage. Complete makeup needs to be worn for on stage dress rehearsal for lighting and distance review. You can avoid or use light make up for daily practices.
Most of the times men feel that make up is only for women and they are lucky as they do not have to get into all the hassle, but most of us forget that under spot light every expression is seen and is magnified and highlighted much more then normal, so make up is equally important for men too. Men:
n Cover your face evenly with a water-proof base
n Powder your face evenly and highlight the necessary areas of chin, nose and cheeks, this will add expression to the face
n Do your hair under the guidance of your choreographer and make sure to set it well with gel, wax or hair spray.
n Be a metrosexual man and keep your underarm hair, nails well trimmed. If need be shave your chest and underarms and even out the skin in those areas too with a good waterproof base.
Performers put a lot into their dance preparation, so it’d be silly to have it all go awry over some sort of preparation issue! Stay on top of it and your last minutes back stage can focus on your choreography instead of your mishaps and other worries.
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