Have a ball to shape up
Are you bored with your regular work-out regime? Just chillax! Add some fun element to your fitness mantra. Spice it up with a daily dose of ball-game to be in proper shape and a fine fettle. Get ready to have a kick out of an exercise ball which promises to puff up energy and revitalise your lazy muscles. So if you want to flaunt a well-toned body, Swiss ball is your immediate answer.
Fun Swiss Ball workouts:
Also called a “stability ball” or an “exercise ball”, Swiss ball is a fun way to work out as it involves a lot of movements to sit on the ball and bounce. One can feel the difference with a marked improvement shown in strength gain, enhancement of cardio endurance and acquiring balance. Stability balls are great for getting a derailed body back on track, especially after suffering an injury, because they can reduce muscle and spinal strains during certain movements.
For starters, choose a ball as per your size. Sit on the ball and make sure the hips and knees are at right angles with the floor.
— 55 cm for those between 4’11” and 5’4”
— 65 cm for people between 5’4” and 5’7”
— 75 cm for people between 5’11” and 6’7”
Exercise routine:
Wall Squat: Stand about three feet from a wall with feet shoulder-width apart and the back to the wall. Place the ball between the lower back and the wall and squat down slowly until the legs form 90-degree angles at the knees. Use the ball to support the back as it rolls from the lower back to the shoulder blades. Slowly stand up again and repeat for 10-15 times.
Push-Up: Lie face down on the ball with hands and feet touching the ground and the stomach on top of the ball. Walk the hands out until the shins are resting on the ball and the torso is in a flat push-up position. Lower the torso towards the ground until the upper arms are parallel to the ground. Return to the “up” push-up position and continue for 8-10 repeats.
Tricep Dips: Sit on the ball with legs forming 90-degree angles and feet hip-width apart. Place the hands on either side of the hips on the ball and slowly lift the hips forward so that they’re a few inches in front of the ball. At this point, the heels are on the ground and the hands are on the ball supporting the rest of the body. Use the triceps to lower the arms down a few inches, and then return to the starting position. Keep the back straight and abs engaged for 10-15 repetitions.
Back Extension: Place the stomach on the ball with legs extended straight behind (toes resting on the ground). Hold onto the ball with the hands for balance. If this position is difficult to maintain due to slippery shoes, try placing the feet against a wall.
Raise the chest high bending the back, keeping the hands to the back of the head. Hold for 2 seconds and then return to a relaxed position. Repeat the same for 12-15 times.
Ab crunch: Lie face up on the ground with ankles resting on top of the stability ball. With arms pointing towards the feet, roll the torso up so that the body forms a V with hips on the ground. Hold for five counts and slowly roll back down to the ground. Repeat the exercise for 6-10 times.
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