Come out of your cocoon to grow
How can one be happy even in difficult times? I have been stuck in life since the last one year. I have been trying to move on from a broken relationship but it is proving difficult to do so. Besides, there’s no growth in my career too. Even after trying hard to experiment in life, I feel stuck at the same place, in the same mental frame. Can you suggest a way to come out of this phase?
Divita Gupta
A. I would suggest a change of scene. A new place can pull you out of the stagnant trough of despair. Try and register for a new and demanding course of study. The changed atmosphere and new people you are likely to meet are sure to provide a fresh new burst of happy energy.
During this time, be very kind to yourself and invest in self-care. A health check-up and a positive wellness package from a wise doctor can ensure that you are not physically depleted. Engage in life-enhancing activities that make you feel good. I recommend daily ‘happiness breaks’ that can include anything from a pedicure or a new hairdo, to stress busters with a good friend or watching a great new movie. Become a participant instead of being a spectator in life.
Seek out people who are positive and joyous and avoid the Cassandras of doom. And Divita, plug into your inherent divinity by touching base with whatever are your spiritual beliefs. Embrace those who care for you — good times always follow the worst times!
I am a 32-year-old woman working with an organisation since the last eight years. In all these years, I haven’t really explored the outside world much. Now, I plan to move on from this comfort zone and do something challenging. But every time I think of taking up something new, I get nervous. How can I overcome my fears?
Swati Bhardola
A. ‘Everything changes’ is the simple unchangeable law of life. What lies ahead is an exciting adventure which you are undertaking on your own initiative. The comfort zone you describe is the prescription for a mediocre life. I congratulate you for taking the first step in your mind to come out of your self-made cocoon.
If you have never failed, it just means that you have never tried anything too difficult. Your decision can be supported by improving your knowledge of the new assignment you plan to undertake. Reach out and get the support of your mentors and more adventurous friends. Write down your fears and examine them. You will find your fears are mere fantasies. They will disappear in the clear, bright light of reason.
For the first time you have an opportunity to stretch your talents and enjoy the rewards of exploration. Reach out. A great new life awaits you!
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