Summer jobs from hell
Ankush Makhija, 21:
I was working in the kitchens of one the biggest five star hotels in Mumbai. My status as an unpaid intern put me somewhere above the head chef’s dog. Actually the dog got three square meals. During an elaborate party I was sent by one of the waiters to the kitchen to bring back a salad platter. Unfortunately, it turned out to be twice my size. The kitchen staff loaded it onto my back (think Atlas) and I made it about five steps before some buffoon bumped into me (till this day I suspect foul play) and sent everything flying. The chef nearly went into conniptions and we simply put all the stuff back and re-arranged it to look fresh. I was shunned like Forrest Gump’s slower cousin. It was by far the worst job experience ever had. And the dog ate my chef hat.
Nikita Singh, 19:
I took up freelance work for a company that publishes puzzle books. After shuttling between classes and every spare minute I had, I came up with a few puzzles they could use. The company accepted them merrily, but refused to pay me later. I was given the runaround for ages, until a friend suggested I speak to his mom, a lawyer. She asked me to send them a letter, politely worded of course, failing which I’d have to take legal action. Well, I’m glad to say the letter worked, and I finally got paid. But the company had the last laugh — they only paid me half! —DK