TN to actively support textile industry
As Tamil Nadu is increasingly dependent on other states for raw material supply of cotton owing to deficit production here, the state government has proposed to play the role of a “facilitator” and “catalyst” to promote a “balanced all-round growth of the industry.”
According to sources, the government is planning to create a positive environment for investment in the textile sector and also facilitate technological upgrading.
The field of textiles, a vital component of the secondary sector in the state, has been identified as a thrust area for rapid growth.
“The issue of structural constraints restricting the growth of the secondary sector in general and textile sector in particular, would be addressed soon,” an official said.
Apart from encouraging investment for potentially viable units, the government would create better infrastructure for all the mills, powerlooms and processing sectors.
Further, the South India Textile Research Association has prepared proposals to modernise five functional cooperative spinning mills for Rs 104.41 crore.
This will be implemented with financial assistance from the National Cooperative Development Corporation.
Also, the “Revival, Reform and Restructuring Package for Handloom Sector” will be implemented this year to benefit the cooperative societies, individual weavers, Self Help Groups and joint liability groups that have availed loans for weaving. The societies in the state will get a package support of about Rs 548 crore.
The state’s share will be Rs 127 crore. About 962 weavers cooperative societies will also benefit from this centrally sponsored scheme.
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