Record power consumption in Tamil Nadu
The power consumption in the state on July 6 broke all previous records — for the second time in two months — touching a new high of 244.947 million units (MU). The previous high was recorded on June 20 at 243.880 MU.
“The maximum power demand touched 244.947 MU, a new record of power consumption in the state,” a senior Tangedco official said.
The state usually sees electricity consumption peak between March and June due to the summer and agricultural activities.
Besides the soaring temperature, the agricultural activities would begin in the delta districts for kuruvai crop.
“The delta farmers in eight districts are given 12 hours of three phase agricultural supply to meet their irrigation requirement in absence of water release in Cauvery on June 12,” an official said.
With the availability wind power, the demand-supply gap in the state has come down from 3,500-4,000 MW a day to 1,500-2,000 MW a day.
The scorching heat has pushed the ever-rising power demand to a new high of 11,283 megawatts (MW) on June 26 surpassing the previous high on June 6 when it soared to 11,078 MW.
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