No takers for arts, sciences
With about 51,538 seats going vacant in 133 aided and 421 self-financing colleges in the state last year, and about 50 arts and science colleges in the city and its suburbs affiliated to Madras University closing down four science courses as they lack employability, academicians say that the state government should revamp arts and science education in the state to make it employment-oriented.
Prof S.P. Rajagopalan, former principal of D.G. Vaishnav arts and science college and Madras University’s former college development council dean, said a mere increase in number of colleges would serve no purpose without revamping the courses to make students employable.
“The present arts and science education system in the state does not provide enough scope for employment. Universities should revamp their syllabi to cater to the needs of all kinds of students,” he added.
Pointing out that there exists a gap between industry requirements and institute delivery, Prof Rajagopalan said unless universities strive to bridge the gap, nothing could be done to solve the problem.
Prof C. Pichandy, general secretary of the association of university teachers (AUT), said seats in several private arts and science colleges went vacant as a number of colleges have mushroomed in the recent past.
“It is high time the state government fixed a moratorium on private arts and science colleges, besides curbing the number of private colleges in the state,” he said.
The AUT general secretary also said the mushrooming of more self-financing arts and science colleges was one of the main reasons for more seats going abegging.
Prof Pichandy pointed out that higher fee structure in private colleges discourages students from joining these institutions.
An academician who did not want to be named said it was pathetic to see a lot of arts and science graduates turn into cab drivers and waiters in hotels as they were left with no other option as the B.A. (Philosophy) and B.A. (History) do not fetch them jobs in companies.
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