US tells Pak to end ISI's ‘proxy war’
Accusing Pakistan's military-run ISI of using the Haqqani network to carry out a ‘proxy war’, US has warned Islamabad to cut ties with the terror group and help eliminate its leaders or it will act un
Dwarf galaxy crashed Milky Way into spirals?
Two powerful collisions with a dwarf galaxy in the past two billion years may have been the cause of the spiral arm structure of the Milky Way, scientists say.
US woman ‘beats odds of 1 in 5 million to deliver twins from 2 uteruses’
Meet a Florida woman who has defied the odds of one in five million to give birth to twins from two separate uteruses last week.
Andrea Barbosa, 24, has a rare condition called uterus didelphys, or
New era for US military as gay ban expires
As a staff sergeant training to be an Air Force officer in the US military, David Hall had a promising career ahead of him until a fellow airman outed him as gay.
Nearly 10 years later, Hall said he
Gender equality is smart economics: World Bank
Gender equality is smart economics as countries which create better opportunities and conditions for women can raise productivity and improve outcomes for children, the World Bank said on Sunday ahead of its annual meeting.
Obama: Rich must pay fair share of deficit cuts
The wealthy and corporations must pay their 'fair share', US President Barack Obama said on Monday, laying out a $3.0 trillion deficit cutting plan, half to be financed by tax hikes on the rich.
Obama to propose 'Buffett Tax' on millionaires
President Barack Obama, in a populist step designed to appeal to voters, will propose a 'Buffett Tax' on people making more than $1 million a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress on
Against grain, ‘caveman’ diet gains traction
Could Paleolithic man hold the key to today’s nutrition problems?
Coloured dino feathers found trapped in amber
A small collection of amber-trapped feathers that may have belonged to dinosaurs or birds 80 million years ago have been found in a Canadian museum collection, said a study on Thursday.
‘Planet with two suns discovered’
Astronomers claim to have discovered a planet which orbits two suns, like the fictional planet Tatooine in the Star Wars sci-fi film.