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'Serious' concerns on Iran nuclear activities: IAEA


The UN atomic agency has ‘serious concerns’ about Iran's nuclear activites, and has ‘credible’ information Tehran may have worked on developing nuclear weapons, a report seen by AFP said on Tuesday.

Nestle chief warns of new food riots


The head of the world's biggest food company Nestle said Friday that rising food prices have created conditions 'similar' to 2008 when hunger riots took place in many countries.

"The situation is sim

Eurofighters escort Patil's special aircraft


In a rare honour, two Eurofighter Typhoon combat jets escorted the Air India One aircraft carrying President Pratibha Patil as it entered the Austrian airspace.

Within seconds of entering the Austri

Scientist: NKorea likely to test nukes again

A US scientist who visited a secret North Korean nuclear site last year says Pyongyang may seek to launch a third atomic test to enable it to develop a small fissile warhead that can be carried by a m

Three die as planes collide in Austria

There people were killed and a pilot was badly injured when two small planes collided Sunday afternoon in an Austrian town.

The accident occurred in Salzburg, a western state of Austria, Xinhua repor

Schwarzenegger fined for smoking in Austria

Ex-California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was fined 200 euros twice for puffing his cigar at two Austrian airports on a visit to his mother country in June, the daily Krone Zeitung reported on Tues

Iran wants to end nuke secrecy to move ahead openly


Iran's president wants to shed the nation's secrecy and forge ahead openly with developing nuclear weapons but is opposed by the clerical leadership, which is worried about international reaction to s

Nuclear suppliers tighten trade rules, may irk India

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A 46-nation export control group has acted to bar states that shun a global anti-nuclear weapons pact from obtaining technology which can be used to make atomic bombs, diplomats and experts say.


Divided OPEC maintains oil output level


OPEC left its oil output target unchanged on Wednesday, a decision that sent crude prices shooting higher on global markets and exposed deep divisions in the cartel amid calls for a hike in quotas.


US wants to report Syria to UN: Diplomats

The United States will ask the UN atomic watchdog to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its alleged illicit nuclear activity, according to a draft resolution obtained by AFP on Monday.

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.