Bieber gives limo ride to 3 young fans
Pop sensation Justin Bieber gave the surprise of a lifetime to three young daughters of a US soldier posted in Iraq when he turned up at their door step, ready to take them for a ride in his limousine
Britain gets first coalition govt after World War II
Britain got its first coalition government after the Second World War as newly-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, on Wednesday
Tory chief youngest PM in two centuries
Conservative Party leader David William Donald Cameron became Britain’s youngest Prime Minister in two centuries when he was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on Tuesday night.
PM sets up security council
Newly-elected PM David Cameron, in one of his first decisions, set up a National Security Council to oversee all aspects of Britain’s security.
Brown back at Scotland home
Gordon Brown returned home to Fife in Scotland with his family on Tuesday night after resigning both as the PM and leader of the Labour party.
Clegg: man who sided with Tories
Britain’s new deputy prime minister Nich-olas “Nick” William Peter Clegg has only been a member of Parliament for Sheff-ield since 2005.
How the deal came through
The Conservatives have prevailed over the Liberal Democrats on the economic issues and immigration in the new coalition deal thrashed out between the two negotiating teams over five days after the gen
Cameron sets 1812 record
Britain got its first coalition government after the Second World War as newly-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, on Wednesday gave shape to their historic coalition by appointing the Cabinet.
Pop a magic pill to live till 100
London: Scientists are developing a new pill, which, if taken at 40, could boost a person’s chances of living longer.
Russell threw log at Prince Andrew
London: Hollywood star Russell Crowe decided to play a prank on his English co-stars on the set of his upcoming film Robin Hood and threw a log at visiting royal Prince Andrew.