Cherry-picking in insurance plans
Financial planning for the future is one of the important processes in our life. The planning could be either for your children’s education or marriage or business. However, planning for unforeseen in
Home buying made easy
The purchase of house is one of the important decisions of our life. We always aim for buying a best house within the limited resources and time that we have. If you are a first time buyer, the curren
A hassle free retirement
New Pension Scheme (NPS) is a pension scheme launched by the Central government in April 2009 and is a defined contribution-based pension plan. NPS differs from the existing pension scheme, which offe
Which card suits your personality?
When we think of credit card usage we find that different people manage it in different ways. Some people are highly disciplined and never default on their monthly payments and others are so messy tha
Many ways of smart investing
Equities are known to have given the best returns over the longer term. The Sensex has provided a return of 14-18 per cent over last 20 years on an average. Despite the availability of historical data
Keeping a tab on shopping abroad
You had been saving up for this wonderful trip to Europe and you finally made it! You spoilt yourself silly with more than an eyeful of Europe, some fine dining and went a bit overboard with your shop
Pranab ignores lower middle class
The annually awaited Budget circus has come and gone. As usual we had people glued to their televisions, palmtops, laptops, tablets and chairs all day expecting the budget to wave like a magic wand and fulfill all their wishes.
Avoid last-minute rush
Three endowment policies, two whole life insurance, and two ULIPs, shouted out a new financial advisor in a surprise to Abhijeet. Abhijeet is a project manager in a software company and like many of h
ELSS is for saving tax and good returns
It’s the tax saving season and the market is flooded with different types of tax saving products. The hottest among them are infrastructure bonds, long-term fixed deposit schemes, NSC, and PPFs. Ther
Plan investments in tax saving schemes
Are you wondering if there have been any changes in your trusted tax-saving schemes and other sought after debt instruments? Let’s take a quick look at the instruments covered under these sections for