Pomelo juice treats insomnia, fever
The pomelo tastes like a sweet, mild grapefruit, though the typical pomelo is much larger in size than the grapefruit. It has very little, or none, of the common grapefruit’s bitterness.
The pomelo is a good source of vitamin C. Its juice helps reduce fever and soothes coughs and sore throats, promotes sleep and alleviates insomnia. It is good for weight loss and excellent for diabetics, as it is low on the glycemic index. The pomelo keeps you feeling full for a long time and does not increase sugar levels; as a matter of fact, it may help cut down sugar.
The high nutrition content of the pomelo is associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease and stroke. The fruit is fantastic in reducing cholesterol levels and cancers as it is a powerful antioxidant and contains a good amount of lycopene.
The writer is a Mumbai-based nutritionist
1 small pomelo
1 cup chopped lettuce
1 green chilli chopped
3 full walnuts
Salt to taste
1tsp extra virgin olive oil
Cut the pomelo into small chunks and add walnuts, lettuce, green chilli, extra virgin olive oil and salt. Serve chilled.
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