Where will DVS go from here ?
Where will Chief Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda go after he steps down on Tuesday, is the question ringing loud in BJP circles. Earlier, there were reports that the BJP high command is planning to send him to Parliament, by getting him a Rajya Sabha seat after making Ayanur Manjunath resign from the Upper House. There were also reports that he could be made a party office bearer at the national level and put in charge of a north Indian state.
The situation has changed after 50-55 MLAs supporting Mr Gowda, started a signature campaign demanding he be made party state president so that he can lead the BJP in the next election. Mr Gowda himself lent credence to these reports by pitching for making incumbent party chief K.S. Eshwarappa the deputy chief minister.
Sources said a memorandum is likely to be submitted to senior leaders Rajnath Singh and Arun Jaitley, when they arrive here on Tuesday to oversee the smooth transition of power. The memorandum will stress on the fact that it was Mr Gowda who led the state BJP to power in 2008. The pro-Gowda campaign is being spearheaded by ministers Balachandra Jarakiholi, A. Narayana Swamy, C.P. Yogeshwar and Anand Asnotikar, sources said.
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