GIM to help state give uninterrupted power by 2020
Does GIM 2012 hold the solution to the power crisis in Karnataka?
The state government certainly seems to be hoping it does.
The Karnataka Energy Department, which is looking to attract an investment of Rs 75,000 crore and add over 10,000 MW to the state’s power generating capacity during GIM-2012, has big plans in the offing.
It hopes that upping its energy capacity will help it provide round-the-clock power all through the year in the state by 2020.
While the focus of the last last Global Investors Meet was on gas-based projects, the state is offering six thermal plants and several renewable energy projects for private investment at this year's GIM.
The units on offer under joint venture by Karnataka Power Corporation are the 800 MW unit III of the Bellary Thermal Power Plant , two units of 800 MW capacity of the Raichur Thermal Power Plant and one 800 MW unit at Yedlapur.
The state government , which is struggling to meet the demand for about 8,000 MW and more every day, is said to be keen on getting private investors to import coal for the thermal power units.
“The projects where private investors can get coal import linkages, will be given preference,” revealed an official of the power department, however, conceding that the decision was risky considering the coal shortage and the difficulty in getting the linkages.
“ Although we have not yet got coal linkages for some of the projects we have started work on them as we dont want to delay them any further,” he explained
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