Get your dry waste picked up at your doorstep
A city company is launching a portal allowing you to network with scrap merchants to pick up the dry waste from your doorsteps. Said Poonam Bir Kasturi, founder of : “We have trained kabadiwallas to pick up even the low quality dry waste which is usually not sold in the market. We now have networking with different kabadiwallas in Bengaluru and once a person is registered with the portal, the kabadiwalla will be tipped off about the possible dry waste for sale.”
The portal will also tell the user how much dry waste he/she has been generating every month and how much of it has gone for recycling. Once the kabadiwallas picks up the dry waste he registers it in the portal.
“We are planning to offer badges and online acclaims to our users who recycle the highest quantity of dry waste. After BBMP’s order on segregation homes will generate dry waste in large quantity. This will help kabadiwallas make money. We are now planning to link the kabadiwallas to the organised recycling sector so that the dry waste procured from the households can reach the right hands,” Ms Kasturi adds. Being a pioneer in designing terracotta composters in Bengaluru , she is working on handling waste in the kitchen. “Modern composters do not emit any stench and come in compact sizes. They can be kept in the kitchen and the manure extracted from them once in three months,” she added.
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