Home decor needs a special touch of art to light it up
The other day I ran into a gaggle of young interior decorators and was amazed at their own aharya or outer clothing. I wondered how anyone who dressed like a Christmas tree in the middle of April would handle anyone’s house. As it is, I find it rather distressing, well okay, revolting, that people actually hand over their homes to an interior decorator to design. Admittedly not everyone’s aesthetics are well honed, but to find the correct fit designer is a difficult thing. So if you are lucky, they will help you finds works of art that you can love and live with or rather can’t live without!
When they came to know that I also paint, they started asking about the current trend of people demarcating funds for paintings. First and foremost, people or should I say rich people, are downright stingy when it comes to acquiring art works. They will build a billion rupee mansion, but when it comes to art, they are even happy to hang prints or cheap art from China. But, it is my contention that any work of art is an important aesthetic asset to a home or office and goes a long way in transforming its placement in the corporate ladder or into a home from being a mere house. But, unlike other things like tiles, bricks and sand, furniture or upholstery, etc., that lose their value once they are out of the showroom, an artwork’s commercial and aesthetic value increases with time. The joy and finer sensibilities it refines and hones in a person can’t even be measured in commercial terms.
There have been numerous occasions when I have walked into fancy homes and mansions masquerading as farmhouses and been so disappointed with the art on their walls that I want to walk out that very minute. But I am known for not brooking fools or unaesthetic situations easily.
Another problem
plaguing the art market is commerce. While commerce is inherent in anything that one wants to sell — be it a product or a skill, in deciding the price, I think the current trend of figuring prices as per size is fallacious. Nobody can ever hope to actually pay an artist for his work — the time, the thought, the experiences that an artist shares on canvas are simply invaluable. What one pays for is just the pleasure of having it in your space.
Silly as it is, there are almost fashion trends that dictate what kind of works or artists that sell the most at any time, almost like music that appeals to a
generation. But if one were to really look, the most difficult thing in the world to sell is a painting — for it must match the sensibility and current thought process of the creator and the consumer before the painting is acquired by anyone. I have myself been approached by buyers who wanted me to come and match my painting with the upholstery! And depending on my mood at that moment, I have obliged or not!
After one has
invested time and money in the acquisition of artworks, the day-to-day care required for art entails protecting works from heat, direct sunlight, damp, oily dust – open kitchen with Indian cooking is a complete no-no — as are offices where people are likely to touch works as they pass by. Fungus, termites, wood borer and silver fish are big killers as well. They should be regularly checked for all of the above. Use only a feather duster to clean and any damage or
restoration should be treated by a professional only. Frames should be checked for any damage as well. Outdoor works have a shorter life span and the biggest killer is direct sunlight.
The decorators were very keen to know which were the best colours for paintings for various parts of the home. It depends on many factors, including direction, colours used on the walls and furniture, etc. was my answer. I for one am happy to go with
vaastu modules like energetic colours for the sitting room like aqua colours, reds and oranges. For the bedroom soothing colours like yellows and tangerines or powder blues and pinks are my favourite.
The study is usually a thoughtful place so even deep shades of blue, indigo, turquoise and burgundy would be my choice. Sometimes, startling colours can work wonders in libraries as books lining cupboards can outshine the paintings if not in
very definite colours. Thematically I feel the negative subjects, scary forms and morbid colours shouldn’t be used in homes, as they tend to drag the energy of the inhabitants down. Happy images, bright, but soothing colours should be used to energise the spaces. So, if art is your agenda for the summer, happy acquisitions! But don’t forget I too am in the market for selling my works as well!
Dr Alka Raghuvanshi is an art writer, curator and artist and can be contacted on alkaraghuvanshi@yahoo.com
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